Monday, May 18, 2009

Cool things I learned today (Meryl)

I asked my Spanish teacher (after going off on how I hate all the cat calls on the street!) what foreigners do that offend Nicaraguans and this is what she told me:

1. Wearing flip flops in public. Nicaraguans just wear them in the house and particularly just in the bathroom. When they see all the foreigners, who mostly wear flip flops, Nicaraguans are offended and think it's gross and dirty. Whoops!

2. They get offended when we put on insect repellent because it implies that we think their country is diseased. She said that if foreigners think the country is so diseased, they should just go home.


1 comment:

  1. Cat calls, huh? I remember in Spain it they were always clicking... click click click.
